Love Phrase Balloon Bouquet

Presenting our Love Phrase Balloon Bouquet, a romantic arrangement sure to steal hearts on any occasion. This deluxe bouquet features a custom “love” phrase balloon alongside two 16″ latex balloons, six 11″ balloons, and two weights for added charm.

  • Custom “love” phrase balloon: A stunning focal point, radiating romance.
  • Two 16″ latex balloons: Adding volume and elegance to the arrangement, available in your choice of colours.
  • Six 11″ balloons: A mix of vibrant hues to complement the theme and elevate the overall aesthetic.
  • Two weights: Ensuring stability and allowing for easy placement of the bouquet, whether as a centrepiece or accent decor.

Celebrate love in style with our exquisite Love Phrase Balloon Bouquet – because every moment shared deserves to be cherished.


  • *Do you want Happy Birthday printed on the balloons?
    *Choose your balloon colours:

    Bouquets look best with between 2 - 4 colours. You may select a maximum of 4 colours.

    *Choose your balloon colours:

    Bouquets look best with between 2 - 4 colours. You may select a maximum of 4 colours.


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