Latex Balloon Bouquet

Add a burst of joy to your special occasions with our Latex Balloon Bouquet! Pick your own balloon colours to create a vibrant and colourful bouquet that will elevate any celebration. Whether it’s a birthday, anniversary, or a simple get-together, these balloons are the perfect accessory to spread cheer and create lasting memories.

Our bouquet comes in a variety of lively colours, from the dazzling caribbean blues to radiant wild berry pink, ensuring a visually stunning display. You can also choose the bouquet size, ranging from a small bouquet with 3 balloons to an extra large one with 9 balloons!

The high-quality latex material ensures durability and long-lasting inflation, allowing you to enjoy the festive atmosphere for an extended period. Elevate your events with the magic of colour and create a celebration that will be remembered for years to come.


  • *Do you want Happy Birthday printed on the balloons?
    *Choose your balloon colours:

    Bouquets look best with between 2 - 4 colours. You may select a maximum of 4 colours.

    *Choose your balloon colours:

    Bouquets look best with between 2 - 4 colours. You may select a maximum of 4 colours.

  • *Bouquet Size

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